Product Description
來認識 TERRA 地毯吧,這是一場由自然奇觀引發真正的藝術慶典。這款非凡的地毯採用優質羊毛精心手工編織而成,其設計靈感源自於地球各層中迷人的色彩。其溫暖的米色色調反映了陽光親吻過的地形色調,並以精緻的點睛之筆賦予了生命。除了令人驚嘆的美學之外,TERRA 地毯還擁有柔軟誘人的質感,邀請您將雙腳沉浸在其奢華的懷抱中。每一步,您都會體驗到自然世界的舒適和寧靜,使 TERRA 地毯成為府上空間的完美補充,為您的空間注入靈感來自地球本身的溫暖和寧靜。
LIGNE PURE一直以來就是結合傳統工藝和優雅的設計,以高品質原料製成地毯的代名詞。當我們第一次推出手工地毯進入產品線時,即開啟了一個全新的創意世界,使我們能夠使用大量的紋理、技術和材料。
LIGNE PURE提供多種尺寸乃至量身訂製服務。產品線從典雅樸素到引領潮流的時尚風格,融合令人耳目一新的新風格理念並以合理的價格提供優質的服務。我們甚至保持整個系列的存量以提供迅捷的出貨服務。目前已出口到全球超過40個國家和地區。
- 比利時大廠投資創立之高端品牌
- 母廠數十年豐富業界經業為後盾
- 手工製作具不刻意修飾自然美感
- 羊毛柔軟並有吸濕調節溫度功用
- 手工製作羊毛地毯提升居家品味
- 品名: Ligne Pure手工編織地毯 | Terra
- 重量: 4.25kg/m2, 毛高: 11mm
- 材質: 純羊毛, 產地: 印度

Shipping and returns (exchanges)
The distribution of the products on this site will be delivered by a professional logistics company, except that the product volume exceeds the standard of the logistics company, which is otherwise agreed between the site and the consumer. Under normal circumstances, the delivery period will be delivered within 7 working days after the order is established (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays).
return (exchange) goods
In accordance with the Consumer Protection Law, except for the following commodities, consumers are entitled to a 10-day hesitation period when the product arrives (please note that the hesitation period is not a trial period). To remind you, the product must be returned to its original state when it is returned (exchanged). That is to say, it must be returned to the original state (including the outer packaging bag/carton) when you received the product. If the outer packaging bag/carton is damaged during transportation, you can replace it with a packaging bag/carton of the same type/material. If it is a partial return, it will be calculated for the product you kept. And please be sure to read the detailed instructions for the return and exchange of each product.
The following products do not accept returns (exchanges) unless confirmed by three parties that they have been damaged in transit:
- Customized products such as carpets with custom-made sizes and styles for a single occasion cannot be used for other customers and occasions once they are returned.
Customer message comments
